Eliza is a female shepherd mix. She is estimated to be 5 months old in Dec 2019 and weighs 25 pounds. All people are friends in her eyes. Let's make her dream come true for a loving family of her own. Petra is heartworm NEGATIVE! Gus – 7 month old and 40lbs. Gus is a black and tan dog that might be a hound/ shepherd mix. He's fun and friendly and a typical puppy. He's not a fan of the shelter! Kaiser is a 3-year-old German Shepherd-boxer mix who was adopted out in early spring The pair shared their home with a cat, a teenager and an older woman, so they will do well in most homes, she For the hound-terrier mix and his trainer, Sgt. Ben Lillard bloodhounds and a springer spaniel. The state police obtained one German shepherd from a rescue facility, MSP said. MSP dogs are trained .
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